The whole truth about Apple's strategies

The adventure of Apple began the day Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak met, Wozniak or Wos as he liked to be called was a passionate computer and computers had long tried very successfully to create their own computer model finally got a result something more interesting and Jobs, who at that time was a very young visionary, saw a business idea in what his friend was creating and encouraged him to present the product in the Homebrew Computer Club excited by the interest that his machine had awakened. They installed themselves in Jobs' garage and began to produce by hand and on demand what became the Apple 1 soon they were forced to sign more and more friends to work in this new project,From the beginning Jobs showed a perfectionism and demand with the details of the machines which from the point of view of their partners bordering on the obsessive but it was precisely that concept of excellence that would take Apple to the top, the ideas they had for their computers were ambitious but There was a big problem that limited these aspirations, the money, but soon an investor was interested in that project and that was how Mike Markkula invested $ 250,000 in the company, after that they decided to officially found the company Apple Computer in 1976 thanks to the first income and the Mike's generous investment could translate and discard all his pretenses in the Apple 2 a computer that wanted to be much more powerful and novel,It was during a trip to the Personal Computer Festival where Jobs realized that the sale of base plates and kits to assemble was not going to be a profitable business in future, if they wanted to reach a wider audience they had to sell a product and use it, the Apple 2 that had not yet gone on the market to include you and all the necessary elements to be used from the first moment, if Wozniak provided the company with all the knowledge of computer electronics Jobs was the creator of the Apple concept thanks to its philosophy of simplicity and to suexcelente vision of the product, together they were the perfect team to achieve success, invested in the Apple 2much time, money and effort to be the best computer on the market and was designed to please,both computer experts and amateurs could all use it, finally launched in April 1977, being one of the first computers with color screen, as expected the Apple2 was a sales success, but the team did not waste time and began trawling in other projects, aware of how ephemeral it could be in the technology industry, if one was lagging behind one of those new projects, Lisa was a much advanced computer that would be a new step in the world of information technology, although its development was already stressful. that Jobs, who was in charge of this project, always set very ambitious and sometimes unrealizable objectives, being very demanding with all his employees, which made them be demoralized quite often,meanwhile in May of 1980 the Apple 3 was launched a silent computer that worked without fans but had a great disadvantage was heated very fast, they had to replace thousands of computers in addition to launch the Apple 3Plus that solved the problems of his predecessor, but the damage and was echoy people were not convinced the idea of ​​buying an Apple, that is considered as the first commercial error of the company, the sales of the Apple 3 not well Ivan and the Lisa was his big bet, it would be a new generation of computers with a monitor integrated, 2 floppy drives, a 5gb hard drive which was amazing for those times and an innovative user interface much more graphic and worked with icons but the noveltyor understood more was the mouse being the second in the industry to use thathardware,On December 12, 1980, Apple went public and the 4.6 million shares were sold in a few minutes at the price of $ 22 per share but things did not quite work in the company and Mike Markkula replaced the executive director Mike Scott and took over the company in 1981, one of his first actions was to relieve Jobs from the Lisa project since his demands were becoming somewhat unbearable and he never managed to be satisfied. Nothing was good enough for him, in 1983 the revolutionary Lisasalio came to the market and despite being very innovative he sold tremendously bad, mainly due to its high price $ 10.000 after such a failure Markkula resigned and Jobsconvencio John Sculley president of Pepsico take the controls of Apple with the famous phrase "He wants to sell sugar water for the rest of his life or want the opportunity to change the world" Steve Jobs was aware that the He was not yet ready to be ahead and saw in the tanned Sculley the perfect choice, but both personalities soon collided, Jobs was increasingly controlled by the command of Sculley, which severely limited his creative pretensions in 1984 the Macintosh came out a machine less disruptive than the previous ones but with a more competitive price but it did not have the success that they expected. Jobs got involved in a power struggle with Scully and ended up being relegated from a company that he had founded,He began to conspire to take control of the company but when he learned of his plans he proceeded to organize an executive board which decided to remove all powers from Jobs who ended up resigning, the following years were not the best for the company the market was dominated by IBM and its clones Appleya did not have the leadership of the industry decided to end the exclusivity of its operating system with what other brands could use it thanks to a license, after the resignation of Sculley and later of Spinler executive executives of the company entered the scene Gil Amelio He was not able to overcome the company but took a decisive step, buying NEXT the company that Jobs had created in those 12 years outside of Apple,This is how Jobs returned to the scene in 1996 and became the company's 6th executive director in 1997. Jobs had been a perfectionist in the past, which led him to have a tirana attitude with his workers, nonetheless in his years of exile. He had learned many things with which he was finally prepared to be Apple's front, he found the company that he had founded in 1976 at the edge of the broken bank and the main reason was that he had missed a very important thing in the way of differentiation, his first action was to completely eliminate the program of clones of Apple, with what his operating system returned to be uniquely and exclusively his, in addition he began to establish some measures to reroute the strategy of the company,the company would not fight to compete with the other manufacturers but Apple was going to create its own market. Jobs knew that the client's perception is everything and determines the amount of money he is willing to pay for the product, so Apple must sell a different concept which is formed, by multiple factors and details that have to be very careful the main priority from that time was going to be the client who was offered us an excellent product but also a plus an extra that does not wait but deserves, would take care of the aspect of the boxes and even the way of presenting them computers at the simplest point of sale that conveyed support,for this they began to open the Apple Store (specialized stores of the brand) where everything was going to be arranged in a strategic way so that the set of factors and details conveyed its philosophy, to be able to offer the customer a much more complete attention thus creating not only a new experience of purchase but also of product and is that Steve Jobs put so much attention on these elements that he even thought about the emotions and feelings that could be aroused in the client when using one of his devices since then Apple has managed to always go ahead making the difference and offering that plus technology to its customers,From the musical revolution of the IPOD through the development of the first mobile device with touch screen IPHONE until the creation of the first tablet on the market, the Apple iPad has always been a milestone in the world of technology and despite the fact that Jobs died in 2011, his philosophy of simplicity and minimalism continues impregnating the essence in all the products of the company, there is no denying that Apple is a consequence of a way of thinking, surely without Jobs and his vision would never have become what it is today.
1º Startup
2Monthiness of the customer experience
3ºC design quality


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