Benefit of eating bananas

Banana is one of those fruits that everyone likes. Known for its flavor and how easy it is to choose it at times when we look for that Snack that is healthy and rich at the same time. 

We all know that it is a great source of Potassium, but the Banana goes beyond containing only this Mineral. I'm not going to tell you about their history and similarities. We are here to tell you all its benefits, other components of the Bananas to know what really enters your body when you consume them, and also the disadvantages when consuming Bananas. So first let's move on to your benefits! 

Benefits of bananas

It helps to prevent certain types of Cancer, the more mature the banana, the more help. ★★★ 
Decrease blood pressure if you suffer from high blood pressure. 2 Bananas a day and you will notice the effects. ★★★★ 
Source of healthy natural sugar. ★★★★ 
It contains a protein (tryptophan) that turns into Seritonin in our body, which is the cause of getting relax and de-stress. ★★★ 
Almost zero fat content and zero cholesterol. ★★★★★ It 
promotes the correct functioning of muscles and nerves thanks to Potassium. ★★★★ 
Good Fiber source. ★★★ 
For the above mentioned, it helps us to fight constipation. ★★★ 
Potassium is an essential electrolyte (electricity of the body) that helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. ★★★★ 
Thanks to its fiber promotes weight loss. That's right, it has more advantages than disadvantages when it comes to losing weight. ★★★ 
It is being shown that it can prevent and treat ulcers. ★★★ 
Helps neutralize acidity throughout the digestive tract. ★★★ 
Fosters good nervous functioning. ★★ 
To a lesser extent, but still helps to promote eye health.  
Banana promotes the correct absorption of calcium from other sources. ★★★★ 
Contains the "BanLec" protein that helps fight HIV. ★★ 

Great amount of benefits this fruit gets, mostly related to the digestive, although we must also emphasize that it helps our heart and mental health. 

Their benefits are tempting for all, but having left aside the same, we will go on to name the other component of the Bananas so that you know what really enters your body when you consume this fruit. 

Other components of bananas

Vitamin A. ★★ 
Vitamins of group B, especially folic acid. ★★★ 
Vitamin C. ★★ 
To a lesser extent, Vitamin E.  
Fiber in good quantities. ★★★★ 
Potassium, par excellence. ★★★★★ 
Magnesium. ★★ 
Calcium. ★★ 

Iron in decent amounts. 
Tryptophan (we already mentioned that it is an essential amino acid) ★★★ 
Simple and complex carbohydrates. ★★★★ 
Pectin that helps reduce cholesterol (along with Fiber) ★★★ 

Highlight from this list the Potassium (how we all know), the iron and its good source of healthy carbohydrates that does not make you fat. I repeat, DO NOT BITE (unless you eat 10 bananas every day obviously) 

Its benefits and components were varied and varied. But ... Will they have side effects? Indeed, they have their disadvantages and contraindications that we have to detail right now. 

Disadvantage of bananas

Its excess can lead to Hyperkalemia, a serious pathology that can cause (among others) an irregular pulse, a delay in heart rhythm and nausea. It is produced by the excess of Potassium in the body. ★★★ 

Can promote the appearance of cavities. ★★★ 

Although it contains an essential amino acid, that does not mean that it has few proteins. ★★★★ 

Some people may experience diarrhea or vomiting with their intake. ★★ 

If you are allergic, can cause one of the worst allergies in which your blood pressure can dramatically decrease and even stop. Although it is rare. ★ It 

can produce gases.  

If they are consumed green can cause stomach ailments. ★★★ 

In case of suffering from any kidney or liver disease it is advisable to consult a doctor. ★★★ 

Its disadvantages are mostly caused by an excess in its consumption or by the conditions of the person. If it is true that green bananas can also cause discomfort, although there are cases of people who do not react to that ... Luckily! 

Having made clear the wide range of benefits and components of the Bananas, as well as their disadvantages related to excessive consumption of them and the person itself, I also leave you the Nutritional Information of the Bananas so you can see it and download them if you wish. 


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