5 Foods that fight stress

When the work deadlines begin to accumulate and your social calendar is reserved, the last thing you want to hear is to stay away from the vending machine. Who has time to eat healthy? But when it comes to fighting stress levels, what you eat can help relieve tension. In fact, some foods can help stabilize your blood sugar or, better yet, your emotional response. 

1.- Leafy green vegetables It's tempting to reach for a cheeseburger when you're stressed, but instead, go green at lunch. "Green leafy vegetables like spinach contain folate, which produces dopamine, a brain chemical that induces pleasure, which helps maintain calmness." Those who consumed more folate had a lower risk of depression symptoms than those who consumed less . People tend to feel calmer, happier and more energetic on the days when they eat more fruits and vegetables. 

2.- Turkey Breast You have probably heard that tryptophan in Turkey is the culprit of that food coma in Thanksgiving. The amino acid, found in foods that contain proteins, helps produce serotonin, "the chemical that regulates hunger and feelings of happiness and well-being." Other foods high in tryptophan include nuts, seeds, tofu, fish, lentils , oats, beans and eggs. 

3.- Oatmeal If you are already a carbohydrate lover, it is likely that nothing can come between you and a donut when stress strikes. First general rule: do not completely deny the desire. Carbohydrates can help the brain produce serotonin, the same substance regulated by antidepressants. But instead of looking for the sugary bear claw, look for complex carbohydrates. "Stress can make blood sugar rise," so a complex oatmeal like a carbohydrate will not contribute to its possible increase in blood glucose. " 

4.- Yogurt As strange as it may seem, the bacteria in your gut may be contributing to stress. Research has shown that brain signals to the intestine, so stress can inflame gastrointestinal symptoms; the communication can also flow to the other side, from the intestine to the brain. The consumption of probiotics in yogurt reduces brain activity in areas that handle emotions, including stress compared to people who consume yogurt without probiotics or without yogurt at all. Since yogurt is full of calcium and protein in addition to probiotics, you can not go wrong if you add more to your diet. 

5.- Salmon When you are stressed, you can increase anxiety hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. "The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon have anti-inflammatory properties that can help counteract the negative effects of stress hormones 

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