NASA destroyed the evidence of life on Mars by mistake

NASA mistakenly destroyed the first evidence of life on Mars more than 40 years ago. A study reveals that in 1976 the Viking probes discovered organic matter on Mars, but the results were burned by mistake. Last June, Curiosity, the unmanned space mission sent by NASA to the red planet to explore it, found the clearest clues of organic matter ever found on the surface of Mars.Not only that, he also found evidence of seasonal variations in methane emissions. Which leads one to think that the source of this gas, which is often a sign of biological activity, comes from the planet and could be stored in the ice sheets beneath its surface. 

Despite the joy unleashed in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration by the great scientific discovery, a study has just revealed that it already took place in 1976, more than 40 years ago. The Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets claims that another NASA mission, the Viking probes, launched into space to conduct a biological study of the red planet, found the same signs, although the tests were accidentally destroyed. 
When the probes were sent to Mars in the 70s, scientists already suspected that the planet could harbor carbon substances or other organic molecules that would have reached its surface through the impact of different meteorites. However, the Vikings did not send signals of their existence to Earth. 
In 2008, the Phoenix lander, also from NASA, found near the North Pole of Mars perchlorate a substance that is used to make fuel for rockets and fireworks and that, in addition, is very unstable at high temperatures. No problem if you consider the cold Martian temperatures. However, the recent study maintains that the Viking, when analyzing remains of the surface of Mars that contained these salts, incinerated any organic element that they could contain. The reason is none other than the use of a torch to carry out the analysis. When the heat of the instrument came into contact with perchlorate, the more than possible life tests were volatile. 
After the recent (re) discovery of Curiosity, the theories that pointed to the Viking had already found these signs, took strength.In fact, along with organic matter, the mission also found chlorobenzene, a molecule that occurs when carbon atoms are burned with perchlorate. The scientists interpreted the existence of that substance as reminiscent of what had happened in the past with the Viking probe analyzes. 
The study has also recognized the merit of the space mission launched by NASA in 1976, which is now known to have been more successful than previously thought. In addition, the fact that organic matter has been found in different areas of the surface of Mars, further reinforces the chances of finding, definitely, life on the red planet.


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