Peruvians have a gene that predisposes them to low stature

At the annual meeting of the Society of Genomics Biology at Harvard, the Postdoc team Samira Asgari and Soumya Raychaudhuri presented their study on the predisposition of Peruvians to have a stature less than average. According to the researchers, Peruvians are among the populations that have the lowest carvings in the world.

"In Peru, we are 10 centimeters less tall than Americans and 15 centimeters less than the Dutch, the highest in the world. It is known that the average height of Peruvian man is 1.65 cm. and of the woman of 1.53 cm ", explains the Medical Adviser of RPP News Elmer Huerta.

The height of a human being is determined by the interaction of 700 genes, which with their small individual effects, explain 7% of the variability (genetic characteristics in a population) of the size. The surprising thing is that in the case of Peruvians, a single gene determines a minimum percentage of the variability of height. In terms of genetics, a large proportion results.

According to specialists at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, there is a gene called FNB1 that, by itself, accounts for 1% of the variation in Peruvian height. This was calculated after intervening 4002 Peruvians. The analysis revealed that 5% of the samples had the gene and most were from the Andean areas. 

If a person has only one copy of this FBN1 gene, they will be 2.2 centimeters shorter than someone with a genetic combination that does not include the gene. Secondly, whoever has both copies of the gene (one of father and one of mother) would have 4 centimeters less. 

"The gene is involved with the thickness of the skin, so the researchers speculate that it is a genetic adaptation of the Peruvian inhabitant to live at the height of the Andes. The low size would give him the advantage of needing less food and the greater thickness of the skin would protect him from the ultraviolet radiation in the height ", comments Huerta. 

The study revealed that 80% of Peruvians had indigenous ancestry, 16% of Europeans, 3% of Africans and 1% of other groups. While more descendants of American inhabitants, less stature had. 
A study published by the eLife scientific magazine in 2016, the Guatemalan woman was the human being with the shortest stature in the world. Its maximum size reaches 1.47 cm. Of all the height studies conducted in the world, the FBN1 gene is only in Peru. It is important that scientists continue to explore the sizes in our country to check the distribution of the gene.


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