Samsung bets on the folding smartphone in 2019

The terminal could raise its price to $ 1,500. It is not the first time that we talk about a folding device by Samsung. For a couple of years there has been talk about the possibility of seeing Koreans launch phones with screens capable of bending, however, the information has never exceeded its condition of rumor. According to The Wall Street Journal, the company is working on a device of this type that would be launched in 2019 as its main novelty in the mobile phone market. The American media has also revealed some details about its technical specifications. 

The folding phone would have a 7-inch OLED screen capable of bending in half to take the shape of a wallet. The report states that the outside of the device would also have a screen to display the notifications and other complementary information. 

The terminal would have two screens, one of them on the outside to show additional information. 

Due to the two screens of the terminal, Samsung would be obliged to include a long battery that would support the energy consumption. This would have an impact on the final price of the phone, which would rise to $ 1,500 dollars according to the report.This figure would place it as one of the most expensive mobile phones in the market. 

The patents related to a folding terminal have been published since 2016. Just in October of the previous year, the Korean company patented a device that matches the descriptions provided by The Wall Street Journal. The folding smartphone would be presented during the first months of 2019, with a release planned for the same year. It would be part of the family of high-end Galaxy devices, accompanying the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note. Although the source is a prestigious medium, all information must be taken with caution until Samsung itself decides to make it official. 

The launch of this terminal could lay the foundations for a new market that looks for devices with renewed designs, with prices that could initially be prohibitive for the majority of the public. 


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