Anti-aging exercises, you can do from home

Keeping your smile young and fresh does not necessarily require the use of expensive facial scrubs or wrinkle creams. For the most part, it suggests that you need to actively change the way muscle groups move in your face. It is proven that facial exercises or facial anti-aging yoga can help you look and feel younger. 
1. Facial massage You can enjoy massaging your own face if you do not have the ability to go to a professional. Facial massage will help improve the characteristics of your face, since the important thing is to improve the blood supply and tone the muscles of that area. 

With the tips of the fingers, caresses the forehead from the bottom to the top. You can also massage the scalp, moving your fingers in a circular way. Then, get close to your cheeks and pat them in the direction of your temples. Normally it would take you around 20 massages 2 to 3 times a week so you can tell the difference in your features. 

Wash your face and hands before the procedure. 

2. Contrast massage Sometimes, a contrast massage is what can magically transform your face and lift it. It is also extremely useful to get rid of the double chin. To perform this procedure you need a towel, water, and, most importantly, the desire to look younger and fresher. 

Fold the towel in half and wet it with cold water (slightly salted, if possible). Then, take it by the ends and gently stroke your chin with it. Pat 10 times and then repeat the same procedure, but with a warm towel. 

3. Alphabet To strengthen the muscles of the face that have weakened a bit (which is usually followed by the appearance of wrinkles), you may want to recite the alphabet. For example, sounds as simple as X and O can make a difference. By pronouncing those letters for just a couple of minutes a day, you will begin toning your facial muscles, which is essential to your anti-aging routine. 

  • Stand in front of the mirror. Place your right hand over the area of ​​the left temple so that your fingers embrace the outer corner of the eye and the eyebrow.
  • Press lightly and pull the skin upwards. The head should not lean forward.
  • Stay like this. Then, begin to slowly tilt the head to the right, gently stretching the neck. The shoulders should remain relaxed. Maintaining this position, begin to pull the tongue in the direction of the head. At the same time, exhale and make a "ha" sound. Breathe through the nose.
  • Staying in this position, breathe 4 to 5 times. Keep pulling the tongue.
  • Return the tongue to its normal position, relax the muscles and return to the initial position. Repeat the same on the opposite side of the head.

5. Facial gymnastics As we mentioned before, facial yoga is the key to a younger face. Try the following exercise 3 times a week. Lower your eyelids, close your eyes and stay in that position for 10 seconds. Then, place your hands on your forehead, press lightly, and try to move your eyes in a clockwise direction. This exercise could help you eliminate wrinkles around the eye sockets and the nose. Then, try to inflate your cheeks. Breathe and hold the air in your mouth. Start rolling it from one side to the other and repeat the whole exercise for 10 seconds. By doing that, you can get rid of the wrinkles near the mouth, as well as the drooping cheeks. 

6. Funny faces 
You do not have to take your face too seriously when trying to regain its freshness. With these exercises you can enjoy making faces at yourself in front of a mirror, or even in front of your friends! 

For example, you can open your mouth wide and try to touch the chin with the tip of your tongue. The objective of this exercise is to tense the muscles and strengthen them. You can also act surprised, opening your mouth and raising your eyebrows to its highest point. 

7. Make a clown face The clown face is also an extremely popular technique. When done, the muscles of the face that are required to smile are toned, which means that wrinkles will take much longer to develop. 

Here you just have to smile madly as much as you can with your mouth closed. Then you should wrinkle your nose and play with your eyebrows for about 10 seconds. After that, stop laughing and lower your chin a little for 5 seconds. Do the clown face exercise for 5 minutes, 3 times a week. 

8. Another face of yoga Facial yoga is usually more effective than all face masks and combination skin creams. By doing this type of practice correctly, you will see a drastic change in your wrinkles, in the bags under the eyes and in the drooping cheeks. There are millions of tutorials on the Internet, and if you want to try them, here is an example. 

If you know some other anti-aging techniques that can be done at home, please mention some of them in the comments below. 

4. Elevation of the temples 
All the muscles of the face are important, but the most delicate are those of the temple or the temples, since as they weaken, the whole upper part of the face begins to sink. Yoshiko Blowjob was the one who invented this technique using some breathing exercises. 


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