
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2018

Peru will soon be a great economic power

The Peruvian company Macusani Yellowcake reported that it has discovered resources equivalent to 2.5 million tons of high -grade lithium and significant amounts of uranium during the exploration of the Falchani deposit in the south of the country. The company, a subsidiary of Canada's Plateau Energy, said the deposit could become the largest lithium mine in the world . He added that up to now they have drilled 15 percent of the surface of the deposit and that they plan to explore 10,000 more meters this year. In comparison, as explained by the company's authorities, important salt flats like those of Chile and Bolivia have an average of 500 parts per million (ppm), while the Falchani deposit has a content up to seven times higher, among the 3,500 at 4,000 ppm, showing enormous economic potential. Therefore, the firm is looking for partners to invest around USD 800 million. Ulises Solís, general manager of Macusani Yellowcake, added that in the underground deposit they

Taxing the financial income was a mistake Macri Massa

Taxation of financial income was a mistake The Central Bank must show that it can stop this bank run, says economist Aldo Abram. The second mistake of the BCRA was to assist the Treasury instead of simply fighting inflation. "In this the little credibility that is left to him is played", emphasizes the expert. The goal scheme is outdated. It is urgent to rescue the weight. Despite the warnings, the government did not see the storm coming. The investment funds that disarmed their positions in Lebacs and massively turned to the dollar after the entry into force of the financial income tax for external holders, ended up shredding the most important axes of the economic program. After this banking run inflation goals are something like a myth, an outdated scheme. There are those who, like Aldo Abram, an economist and Executive Director of the Libertad y Progreso Foundation, see the growing danger in case the crisis is not overcome quickly. "It is key that the Central

The whole truth about Apple's strategies

The adventure of Apple began the day Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak met, Wozniak or Wos as he liked to be called was a passionate computer and computers had long tried very successfully to create their own computer model finally got a result something more interesting and Jobs, who at that time was a very young visionary, saw a business idea in what his friend was creating and encouraged him to present the product in the Homebrew Computer Club excited by the interest that his machine had awakened. They installed themselves in Jobs' garage and began to produce by hand and on demand what became the Apple 1 soon they were forced to sign more and more friends to work in this new project,From the beginning Jobs showed a perfectionism and demand with the details of the machines which from the point of view of their partners bordering on the obsessive but it was precisely that concept of excellence that would take Apple to the top, the ideas they had for their computers were ambitious bu

MasterCard wins legal fight for payments with crypts

The multinational financial services company, best known for being one of the images of credit and debit cards. He won a legal battle over a method to accelerate cryptocurrency payments. The document published on June 17 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), where it explains that although cryptocurrencies "have shown a greater increase in their use, unlike common money, the fiduciary, by consumers who value anonymity and security ", the great disparity in the processing times of payments between crypto and common currencies, puts cryptocurrencies at a clear disadvantage, for those potential users who could move from one to the other.  There is a need to improve the storage and processing of transactions that use coins based on the Blockchain ... It often takes a significant amount of time, around 10 minutes, to process a simple transaction based on chain blocks, on the contrary, traditional transactions of payments in fiat currency are proces

The decision that Liverpool would have taken on Karius

A drastic decision would have taken Liverpool over his goalkeeper Loris Karius . And the club does not forgive the German his constant errors in the arc, especially those committed in the final of the Champions League and even in the preseason games of the "Reds" . Therefore, the London cast would have already agreed to the arrival of a new goal, which would become the most expensive transfer in history for an archer. As reported by ESPN, Liverpool agreed to the arrival of Brazilian Alisson Becker , from Rome, in exchange for 87 million dollars. The 25-year-old was a starter in the national team during the 2018 World Cup in Russia and his performance in the contest would have ended convincing the leadership. It should be remembered that Karius committed two "bloopers" during the final of the last Champions League, which allowed the victory of Real Madrid (3-1) . And they would not be the only ones, as it also happened during their team's preseason games.

The fans of Madrid feel cheated by Cristiano

The happiness that the Portuguese has radiated after his departure from the white team did not sit well with many fans.  Cristiano Ronaldo has not stopped showing his happiness for his signing for Juventus  Cristiano Ronaldo has  not stopped showing his happiness for his signing for Juventus  Cristiano Ronaldo has been the flagship of Real Madrid during the last seasons.  The Portuguese player has been idolized by the white fans during his stay in the capital of Spain and this has not hesitated to always defend him despite odious comparisons with Leo Messi.  For this reason, Cristiano's departure from the team has not been very good, although several comments from Luso on social networks have still worsened after his signing for Juventus was made public.  Cristiano has not stopped showing his happiness for his change of scene, situation that does not seem to leave Real Madrid very well.  This is the reason why several white fans feel cheated.  "It was an easy decision.  M

Chile and Uruguay debut with defeat in Rugby World 7

The Teros were defeated by 33 to 7 in the hands of Japan, while the Condors fell on the final with Ireland by 17 to 12.  In the debut of the World of Seven, neither of the two South American teams had good results and no longer have chances of looking for the Gold Cup. First it was the turn of Uruguay, who could not do much against a Japan that ended up being superior. Although it should be noted that in the second half the story was more even, the score became irremovable in what was a clear defeat.  Different was the image left by Chile, who made a real match against Ireland, but the luck went with the Europeans, who after saving themselves from a try that was close to supporting Martín Verschae, ended up in the ingoal of Chile through James Leo O'Brien and the victory went to Ireland.  Saturday will be the turn for the quarterfinals of Bowl.  The Teros will face Papua New Guinea, while Chile will be Tonga's rival.  

11 Myths about the battery of your cell phone that we still believe

Most modern cell batteries, such as those from Samsung or Apple, are lithium-ion batteries. They load faster, weigh less and have a longer life, but still believe in the ancient myths of old batteries:  Myth 1: "If you charge your phone all night can ruin your battery or explode"  Currently phones and The chargers have built-in an intelligent automatic lock that detects when the battery is fully charged, turning it on again when it needs to continue charging.  Myth 2: "You have to fully discharge the battery before recharging it"  False, lithium ion batteries have a limited number of full charge cycles, but if you charge your battery when it is 90% to reach 100% you use 1/10 of this cycle. On the contrary, it is better to charge your phone before the low battery warning begins.  Myth 3: "It is recommended to calibrate the battery"  Currently the phones include an automatic calibration of the battery, but it is a

Try these codes on your Android device

There are many tricks that we see published on the Internet about Android, from the typical tricks of How to make your Android faster ?, to Small tricks to optimize the battery of your Android, many of them work like a charm, others do not So much, but the curiosity to try and try to squeeze the full potential of our Android device leads us to try all this kind of things. In this article we will see a few secret codes that we can enter to access hidden sections and actions that our Android device has. To enter the following codes we must proceed to open the phone application of our device, so that as if we were to make a call to a phone number we enter the codes. Secret codes for your Android It is important to know that some codes make modifications and / or actions on our device and can erase or damage data. * # 06 # - Phone IMEI  * # * # 4636 # * # - additional information about battery, WiFi ...  * # 0 * # - information menu (does not work on all phones)  * # * # 34971

Samsung bets on the folding smartphone in 2019

The terminal could raise its price to $ 1,500.  It is not the first time that we talk about a folding device by Samsung.  For a couple of years there has been talk about the possibility of seeing Koreans launch phones with screens capable of bending, however, the information has never exceeded its condition of rumor.  According to The Wall Street Journal, the company is working on a device of this type that would be launched in 2019 as its main novelty in the mobile phone market.  The American media has also revealed some details about its technical specifications.  The folding phone would have a 7-inch OLED screen capable of bending in half to take the shape of a wallet.  The report states that the outside of the device would also have a screen to display the notifications and other complementary information.  The terminal would have two screens, one of them on the outside to show additional information.  Due to the two screens of the terminal, Samsung would be obliged to inc

They broke the Google: fine of 5000 mill. to google / android

Google has received a fine of € 4300 million EUR ($ 5000 million USD, almost $ 95,000 million MXN) from European Union authorities, since the Mountain View company violated certain antitrust laws.  According to the European Commission, Google has abused its dominance of the Android market in three different ways:  Google has integrated its own search engine and Chrome applications into the operating system.  Additionally, Google has blocked phone producers from creating devices that use modified versions of Android.  Finally, Google made payments to multiple telephone operators and phone producers to place the search engine automatically on certain smartphones.  Currently, the European Commission wants Google to "end its illegal behavior in an effective way, 90 days after this decision": due to this, Google would have to stop imposing Chrome and its search engine on third parties to allow them to use the Google Play Store.  Additionally, Google would have to allow third

NASA destroyed the evidence of life on Mars by mistake

NASA mistakenly destroyed the first evidence of life on Mars more than 40 years ago.  A study reveals that in 1976 the Viking probes discovered organic matter on Mars, but the results were burned by mistake.  Last June, Curiosity, the unmanned space mission sent by NASA to the red planet to explore it, found the clearest clues of organic matter ever found on the surface of Mars. Not only that, he also found evidence of seasonal variations in methane emissions.  Which leads one to think that the source of this gas, which is often a sign of biological activity, comes from the planet and could be stored in the ice sheets beneath its surface.  Despite the joy unleashed in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration by the great scientific discovery, a study has just revealed that it already took place in 1976, more than 40 years ago.  The Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets claims that another NASA mission, the Viking probes, launched into space to conduct a biological stud

Peruvians have a gene that predisposes them to low stature

At the annual meeting of the Society of Genomics Biology at Harvard, the Postdoc team Samira Asgari and Soumya Raychaudhuri presented their study on the predisposition of Peruvians to have a stature less than average. According to the researchers, Peruvians are among the populations that have the lowest carvings in the world. "In Peru, we are 10 centimeters less tall than Americans and 15 centimeters less than the Dutch, the highest in the world. It is known that the average height of Peruvian man is 1.65 cm. and of the woman of 1.53 cm ", explains the Medical Adviser of RPP News Elmer Huerta. The height of a human being is determined by the interaction of 700 genes, which with their small individual effects, explain 7% of the variability (genetic characteristics in a population) of the size. The surprising thing is that in the case of Peruvians, a single gene determines a minimum percentage of the variability of height. In terms of genetics, a large proportion results.

The origin of the blood groups that showed all this

Why 40% of Caucasians have type A blood, while among Asians only have 27%?   Where do different types of blood come from?   In 1900, the Austrian doctor Karl Landsteiner discovered for the first time the existence of different blood groups, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1930. Since then, scientists have developed tools increasingly powerful to investigate biology of blood types and thus be able to improve the application of new medicines.   While much has been learned about them, blood groups remain strangely mysterious.   In fact, scientists have not yet found a good explanation of their own existence.   "Is not that amazing?" Said Ajit Varki, a biologist at the University of California, San Diego.   "Almost 100 years after the Nobel Prize was awarded for this discovery, we still do not know exactly what they are for."   Because doctors know about the existence of different types of blood, they can save lives by transfusing bloo